Past Retreats

These amazing soul family gatherings support our personal and collective evolution. We co-create these with magic, alchemizing love into new forms, and learn how to live in deep joy and bliss no matter what is happening in our lives or the external world. 

These love and laughter filled retreats are life changing and reality shifting. We go deep inwardly to purify, transform, divinitize, activate, and recreate ourselves in alignment with our Divine blueprint to be able to embody and live as our true brilliant Self.



Mount Shasta holds the alchemical magic of the universe. Are you ready to experience mastering alchemy within you through the transition of levels of your process to fulfill your purpose in your divine heart’s fullest mastery and potential? If so, we look forward to aligning you to Empower Your Soul Mastery.

Keleena, Raquel, and Janet have come together in co-creation with their own unique qualities in this four-night retreat for the long-awaited 2022 summer soul-stice. This retreat is open to women & men.

“At some point during your journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, you realize you need a re-birthing doula.  Keleena and Janet were the incredible generous healer and divine energy conduits that helped expand my body to hold more light. You upgrade your DNA, cellular memory and thoughts as you welcome more light in and Keleena and Janet make sure you can hold on to your reborn self. Like nurturing mothers, they lovinglytake you through the process of transformation.  You feel lighter and expanded in new more harmonious ways.

The New Earth is being born inside of you as well as all around. I cannot think of a better team to start the transformation into Homo Luminous! My time with them opened my eyes to a world of pure divine magic! I highly recommend you contact them and see if you are ready to receive their gifts of helping you transform!  And, I this is just the beginning…..I can’t wait to see what’s next. ” Thank you, Sara Merlo

In a group setting, Janet is a natural leader. She makes sure each individual has what they need in order to thrive, be that opening to a higher connection or grounding into the physical for enduring results, all the while aligning with the universal frequencies in play.” GG

“Janet is a cosmic dimensional goddess of fun, laughter, and creativity.” Rudy

“Thank you so much for orchestrating such a rich and profound time in Sedona! Your attention to every detail was so beautiful to watch and meant that not only could we relax and enjoy, but we I felt so loved and supported in the whole process. Thank you for the sharing of your infinite gifts and enthusiasm in so many ways and for inspiring such giving in others. I feel blessed and uplifted and energized in so many new in beautiful ways. I am still flying high and touching the stars! Many blessings to you – may you rest and relax in the afterglow of satisfaction and confirmation of the many miracles you created during our time together.  Much love and thanks dear Janet!”  Mary C.