Conscious Creation Unlimited

This longer term guidance program is for people who wish be supported and held in being the highest vibrational expression of their Divine essence in every aspect of their lives in a very practical and real way.

You will be seen, witnessed, supported, encouraged and celebrated as we take this sacred journey together. In a field of unconditional love, nonjudgment, and unparalleled love/light, you will have the freedom to explore your heart’s desires, your challenges, and whatever you would like assistance with.

We will explore together the dimensions of You, the fields of Creation and the Infinite realms to help you embody and be more of your Source as Self. You will be continually held in an energetic container of love/light with the most current pure vibrational frequencies that naturally bring in ease and Infinite Grace.

You will have the opportunity to discover and develop your Divine gifts, abilities, and talents that are unique to you, even the hidden ones, or perhaps the ones you knew were there and could not access or use. Janet will guide you in bringing them forward to use freely and abundantly. These are dimensional in nature and are life changing when they are usable.

With kindness, compassion and mastery, Janet will help you identify and resolve patterns that may be preventing you from moving forward. These could be traumas, thought processes, belief systems, identities, perspectives, physical issues, ways of operating, or something else. We will address these issues at their core with Infinite assistance and with as much ease as possible.

This is a customized, personal program with a minimum three-month commitment. We will have two transformational, expansive sessions a month. On the off weeks, we will discover the best way for you to be supported on your journey to maintain the flow of your evolutionary process.

In between your scheduled times, you will have access to Janet. If a situation arises where you need help, guidance will be provided to show you how to utilize your Infinite resources and skills. This is invaluable.

This guidance program is ideal for leaders, change agents, innovators, and influencers ~ the ones who are here to usher in ways of doing things that are unity consciousness and love/light based.  

Contact Janet at (928) 710-1924 to sign up or for more information.

Janet works like a shaman – putting words to familiar yet unapproachable experience so that next time, I can adventure into there myself with confidence. I trust her. I so enjoy her perspective, her humor and the joy that pours forth – it is so contagious! The thing about going into unknown territory is it takes courage and Janet has that in spades. She is diving into and navigating the “unknown”, making sense of it and bringing us along, encouraging and yet kicking butt when she sees fit – with infinite love. This kind of mastery is not for the meek and slays the over-confident. It is that tempered, source-tapped guidance that nurtures as it challenges us to expand into our best possible self. Thanks, Janet, for your loving, perceptive touch! Mary C